
       XEngine is a stable and reliable cross-platform development framework based on C/C++, supporting Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS. It provides 45 modules (SO, DLL, DYLIB) and thousands of API functions for you to utilize, allowing you to quickly develop and deploy your network application environment on this framework. This engine offers high-performance interfaces related to low-level network I/O and network applications and protocols. With this framework, you can swiftly deploy and develop large-scale or medium-small application servers and other applications related to networks and protocols. It is a comprehensive development framework related to network protocols, streaming media, audio and video, and servers, providing development libraries for the entire service lifecycle. It solves a range of complex issues for you, from network I/O to the application layer, including performance issues

       This engine can be considered a mini C interface BOOST library, but it is more geared towards network communication, backend services, general network protocols, streaming media protocols, and audio and video encoding and decoding. With the API provided by this framework, you can develop any network and communication program or service you desire, including but not limited to: chat services, video conferencing, voice conferencing, file services, remote monitoring, log services, HTTP services, proxy services, data forwarding services, messaging services, security authentication, streaming media services, audio and video encoding and decoding, P2P, and other related tools and services development

        XEngine Network Communication Engine - V8 Official Release.:Git
        XEngine Network Communication Engine - V8 Example Release:Click to view

V8 Update Notes              Update History              Instruction Documentation              Protocol Documentation              Video Tutorials              API Docment              Engine Architecture Diagram              Engine Module Diagram

       The following table showcases our excellent commercial open-source server developed based on XEngine. You are free to use and modify the code as you wish

Service Name Version Environment Download Address Note Explanation
HTTP storage server Linux/Windows/MacOS Click to learn more A concise, high-performance, cross-platform network storage service developed and implemented based on libXEngine
Message Queue Service Linux/Windows/MacOS Click to learn more This software is a simple, high-performance service with a unified API interface, allowing users to use it directly with minimal need for secondary development
Network Authentication Server Linux/Windows/MacOS Click to learn more A concise, high-performance, cross-platform network authentication and authorization server developed and implemented based on XEngine
Information Query Service Linux/Windows/MacOS Click to learn more This is an API interface service for information querying
Streaming Media Server Linux/Windows/MacOS Click to learn more A standard streaming media server implemented in C/C++, supporting streaming protocols such as GB28181, JT1078, RTMP, FLV, SRT, TS, RTSP, etc., for both pushing and pulling streams

You can learn more about us by visiting the following link:

  1. OPen Source Projects:https://gitee.com/xengine   OR:https://github.com/libxengine
  2. The services we provide include:https://www.xyry.org/list.html

XEngine  Copyright © 2008 - 2024 XEngine All Rights Reserved

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